Artesania y arte de las moscas de salmón

Hola amigos: quiero aprovechar esta plataforma para daros a conocer mi trabajo en el montaje de moscas de salmón. Espero que os guste y os estimule a adentraros en este mundo lleno de superaciones y satisfaciones.

También compartiré con vosotros mis conocimientos técnicos, os acercaré al mundo de las aves y sus plumas, los mamíferos y sus pelos, sedas tinseles y anzuelos, ect..

Y finalmente os daré a conocer el trabajo de otros grandes montadores, que serán fuente de inspiración para todos.


lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017

Mis moscas : "THE FIVE PEACOCK"

The Peacock Pheasant,s  feathers have been a great discovery for the tying of salmon fly. I, ve wanted to honor these beauty birds designing these fly. Which combines the feathers of five species of this birds family: Grey, Malay, Germain,s , Palawan and Mountain.
 There are feathers of beauty and polyvalence. Excellent tools for the fly desiging.  

Mis moscas : "IBIZA"

To see this fly it's best to place it upright.  Ibiza is a fly that aims to recreate an idyllic island with its palm trees and its waves caressing the sand. The name clearly indicates the place which inspired the design of the fly.
The following items have been used to draw this landscape: 1. Macaw feathers to represent the blue sky in the sunset's yellow light. 2. Java peacock crest feathers to simulate the palm trees. 3. Partridge feathers for the island and its beach. 4. Silver pheasant feathers for the sea and the waves effect. 5. The body and the throat feign a shadow or reflection on the upper part of the fly. Seal fur and silver pheasant have been used for that.

Mis moscas : "RAINBOW AND STORM" :

This fly recreates a rainbow and storm on the fields. To make the fly these items have been used : 1º Macaw feathers to draw the sky. 2º Fibers of dyed turkey to simulate the rainbow. 3º Vulturine feather for the rain. 4ºWhite cockatoo, black coakatoo and qrey gosse to simulate the clouds.5º Satyr Tragopan  for the sun.6º peacock herl and Himalayan Monal to simulate the field.

Mis moscas : SUNSET.

This fly seigns a sunset over the ocean's horizon.
To make the fly these items have been used: Macaw feathers  to draw the sky. 2. Satir tragopan feathers to draw the sunset. 3. Fibers of florican feathers to simulate long clouds. 4. Common pheasant feathers for the coast. 5. Vulturine feathers drawing the horizon and the ocean's blue. 6. Blue color on the body of the fly and glazed perroquet feathers trying to emulate the waves and the foam. 

Mis moscas : " QUETZALCOALT".

 A fly inspired in the Quetzalcoal. God of the Mayan culture.
 Materials for this desing : 1º Snake cloth for the body to simulate the scales.2º HymalayanMonal  for the necklace. 3º Green Lady Amherts feathers for the head.4º Malay peacock pheasant for the eye.5º Black Francolin and woodcock for the mouth.